A high-powered mutant of some kind, never even considered for mass porduction. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"The only thing i ever wanted was______"

"The only thing i ever wanted was a little privacy!!!!!! being 12 years old you get no privacy at all. its like your business is open for your entire family to see!! like really mom must you listen in on my phone converstations! is your life that dull that you must hear the jr high gossip. and dad was it really nessessary for you to take my door away just cause i slammed it a few times. and that stupid little brother of mine keeps sneaking into my room when im not here so he can read my diary and tell all his friends that i have a crush on that boy in my math class..and then they tell everyone on the middle school bus and then it gets back to their older brothers and sisters and eventually it ends up in my school and i have to go and tell everyone people are making things up that i dont even know who that guy is! its so embarrasing having to share a bathroom with these people. i want to do is take a shower in peace and thats never possible with all these people in this house who just happend to have to use the bathroom while im in it..even after i double check to make sure no one has to go!! pshh when i get older ill have my own apartment and ill be able to do what i want when i want and no one can tell me any different.  i wont have to be held up in my room with all the phones in the house so no one can hear what me and my friends will really be up to this weekend. and id like to see anyone try and take my door away from me in my own apartment! there will be a no little brothers allowed rule for my apartment i dont care if he wants to visit for 5 minutes! ahh and the bathroom!!!!! omgosh i would finally have a nice quiet relaxing shower that no one interupts because again it will be my own apartment and ill make the rules!!!!"


  1. Don't we all want some little privacy in our lives.

  2. lol i feel like it...but this is not about me...i dont have a little brother..or a dad

  3. Fiction? Nice--I'm glad you had some fun with the topic.

    And I wouldn't mind a little privacy myself.
