i honestly do not set expectations for myself that arent in the now. by this i mean i really dont think long term on expections for myself. for example: i expect that i should wake up and go to work and school everday. but long term i dont have any expectations for myself. if that makes any sort of sense.
i feel like if i set expectations high for myself and i dont reach them i only let myself and others down. most of my life i have been held to high expectations based on people around me. in highschool i was expected to get straight a's and be a good teenager because my older cousin set the example of being a model student. i was expected to be the grown up in the house really young and thats why i act immature about things now.
i have no idea what the future will bring or what i will be doing in 10 yrs so i can not set expectations based on what i have no clue about.
the only expectations that i hold for other people is to be honest with me. thats it, i dont feel like thats to much to ask or to much to put on anyone. i dont know if any of this made any sort of sense...it made sense in my head.
That is all true. i dont like to set expectatios for myself either but when other people are trying to tell u how u should live ur life why not listen to them. In the long run theyll say well i told u so, but why did u tel me so when i knew what i had to do. so really i was only listening to myself and not them i decided to do what i thought wa the right thing to do
ReplyDeleteBut if it wasn't for all the crap we went through and will go through we wouldn't be who we are today. I'm thankful for everything and everyone in my life good and bad because it has made me, me and not anyone else.